Where We Are:

Williamsburg, MO 63388


Mon-Fri: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Hard work. It seems to have a universal meaning. According to webster hard work means “a great deal of effort or endurance”. This is true for The Nine Mile crew. We work hard to satisfy our customers. Thinking back to my first day being apart of the Nine Mile crew, I had no idea all the hard work that my Uncle Andrew put into each part of the job. It was eye-opening.

I was worried that I would not be able to keep up with all the different jobs and intensity. I soon figured out that I had nothing to worry about. My uncle makes it a fun work environment and yet we can still get stuff done. One time we had a race to see how fast we could make shelves for a whole house.

To make shelves we had to cut them out, edge band them and then clean them up. I ran the edge bander while my Uncle Andrew cut out FIVE sheets of plywood. By the time we had cut them out, edge banded and cleaned them up, only 40 minutes had gone by. From the late nights and early mornings, Nine Mile works hard to get it done and do it right every time.

-Shea Smith